it’s okay not to be okay but it’s not okay to stay that way

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We strive to create a community of hope tolerance and social justice, where every individual is valued, treated equally, and attains the right to survival and protection.
Sinoville Krisissentrum
A psychiatrist is a physician who specializes in psychiatry. Psychiatrists are physicians and evaluate patients to determine whether their symptoms are the result of a physical illness, a combination of physical and mental ailments or strictly mental issues.
Psychiatrist Pretoria
Stabilis Treatment Centre is a professional accredited and registered treatment centre which provides inpatient and outpatient treatment programs for alcohol, medication and drug dependency, for males and females, all nationalities and religions. Stabilis is also affiliated with SANCA.
Stabilis Treatment Centre
Indien jou storie tans hartseer, kwaad, moedeloos of deurmekaar is, maak ‘n afspraak.
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Dr. Engelette Kruger is ‘n spesialis in persoonlike identiteit.
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Elkeen Is Uniek

Watch out for depression

“Yet because there are so many myths and misconceptions around mental health in general and because many parents attribute real diagnosable mental health issues to ‘a teen phase’, they are often reluctant to seek help.”


Emotional wellness is a dynamic state that fluctuates frequently with your other six dimensions of wellness. Being emotionally well is typically defined as possessing the ability to feel and express human emotions such as happiness, sadness and anger


Physical wellness is one of eight dimensions that contribute to overall health and wellness. This dimension encompasses all areas of health that relate to physical aspects of the body including, nutrition, exercise, weight management, ergonomics, tobacco use, disease, disease prevention, and more.

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